Monday, November 10, 2008

Update on Baby Sevyn

On Thursday, I had a check-up at the doctor's office.  Sevyn is doing great!  My weight gain is right on track, and I am measuring on track (or a little ahead) right now.  My blood pressure has been good for the last three months so that is always a relief.  Test results for blood work, that looks for anemia, and the glucose screening both came back negative, and Sevyn's heartbeat is about 150 beats per minute (which is perfect.)

She is really thriving and doing well.  Since we are now in the third trimester and at 30 weeks, I am now doing the bi-monthly check-ups, which can be a drag.  Thankfully my doctor's office is really good about being quick, so I don't have to wait terribly long in the waiting room.  

Jim is very excited about getting down to single digits in weeks.  The countdown will begin starting next Sunday!  Woo hoo.

Here some dates that we are looking forward to:

My next appointment is on Thursday, November 20th and it is just another check-up.

November 17th we have decided to have a 4-D Sonogram.  We are really excited about this, so look for pictures and video on this blog of her, they are suppose to be GREAT!

Finally, I have a family shower scheduled for December 7th at 3pm, at my mom's house, which will be hosted by my mom and two sisters. 

Keep praying for us as we continue to prepare for Sevyn.  It's funny, I think God prepares us in little ways that we don't realize until its happening.  I like my sleep, and LOVE sleeping all night long, but lately that doesn't  happen.  Three to four bathroom breaks a night are not fun, and I guess that just prepares you for multiple feedings throughout the night!  Ha.

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