Sevyn is now 20 months old, so there is lots to catch up on.
I started my job as a teacher in August, and it has been great! With that, Sevyn has started going to full-time childcare. I was really nervous at first because she has always talked so well. I was afraid that they wouldn't work with her quite as much and she might regress. BOY WAS I WRONG! And thanks the Lord I was wrong. We love our childcare facility, Metroplex Chapel.
Sevyn has learned to sing quite a few songs. Her favorites are:
1. ABC's
2. Deep and Wide
3. Itsy Bitsy Spider
4. Jesus Loves Me
5. I Love You This Much - Written by Jim
6. Wheels on the Bus
(I am sure there are more, but drawing a blank.)
Sevyn talks a ton. Her vocabulary has increased exponentially. She is mimics everything we say, and loves to talk to everyone she meets. We are working on counting to twenty. She can do 1-5 by herself, but if you say the numbers she will repeat you all the way to twenty. Its a lot of fun to watch her learn.
Sevyn also loves to put puzzles together, take care of her babies, color and clean. Yes, we love to clean. Saturday mornings, evenings . . . if I am cleaning so is Sevyn.The Mav's season has just recently begun

The Mav's season has just recently begun. Sevyn went to NBA 101 and Fan Jam. Unfortunately, I think our trips to the AAC this year are going to be limit. Sevyn usually has an 8pm bedtime. We can stretch it sometime if its a good day, HOWEVER, Sevyn doesn't understand that she can't go onto the court everytime daddy is out there. I spent most of my time chasing her, and she is much faster than she was last year.
Here she is standing in Rick Carlisle's locker.

Things have been a whirlwind lately. We have been running 100 mph much like we normally do, but since I am teaching days seem to be going by faster and faster.