We took Sevyn to her 1st trip to the zoo! It was so much fun.
I grew up going to the Fort Worth Zoo, so as we walked through the different areas of the zoo, I was reminiscing about places I have pictures of me at 5 years old with pigtails, while straddling a fence, or something like that. I loved my experiences growing up at the zoo, and can't wait to spend time like that with Sevyn.

Sting Rays . . . I love these!! It just makes me want to go scuba diving. I am pretty sure we sat and stared at the sting rays for about 10 minutes . . . which in zoo time is a VERY long time!

Outside the new MOLA (museum of living art) exhibit was a beautiful statue of a komodo dragon.

I loved the white tigers as a kid, and I am sure Sevyn will marvel in their beauty as she grows up too.
The little elephant statue has been there since 1998 when the first FW Zoo breed baby elephant was born. I have pics of this elephant with both Brady and Emily (my niece and nephew) too!

Quick pic with mom, as were watching the giraffes.

How would you like it if you had to do the splits everytime you wanted to eat/pick up something from off the ground?

Sevyn loved the giraffes because the fence was at a level that she didn't need to be held up to see.

Shoulder rides with dad are always so much fun.